Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A New Direction

What was going to be a music blog is going through a minor (re: Major) change.

I have been, for a while now, needing something to keep me motivated creatively. This is the expression of that desire I guess. Somewhere to gather my thoughts. Even if I get a notion in my head that I don't really have the means to execute, I can at least flesh it out here - see something, have something to show for my sleepless nights and caffine induced hallucinations.

So, first off, a few different things I've been rolling around in my head;

So Highschool Starship wasn't a complete bust, but it is kind of gone now. We've been making some progress on a new concept, but I've been struggling with the art. One hindrance is my lack of tools - I want to use a wacom tablet, but the 4"x6" I have doesn't really cut the mustard (Did I really just say that? Did I really just not edit it out and express disdain in parenthesis?). If I can get some scans up I will post those soon.

It's been so long since I REALLY picked up the guitar. I've got a yearing to do some Dr. Horrible covers, so maybe that will help? Also Cameron wants to form a 3-man group but it's not exactly the direction I want to go. A new, faster computer and a midi keyboard would help!

Oh, and I guess my way of miscellenia, I have a sort of Roleplaying Game System I'm building. Not being into the full-blown RPing scene, it's sort of a bare-bones, turn based combat system. Could be a fun party game for the non D&D nerd, sort of along the lines of Settlers of Katan. More on this later!



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